Length of Service Award Program
Hometown Firefighter & EMS Services have the expertise in LOSAP Programs as we proudly serve over 200 fire districts throughout the State of New York.
Why Hometown Firefighter & EMS Services Award Programs are the Right Choice:
- Our LOSAP Program offers a choice of payout options:
- Lump Sum
- 5-Year Fixed Period
- 10-Year Fixed Period
- Life with 10-Year Certain
- Life Annuity
- Life Annuity with 100% Survivor Benefits
- Annual Actuarial report for each firefighter.
- The lowest administration fees available.
- A variety of investment options, including NYSAFE (New York Service Award Fund - Exclusive) and annuities that pay high “guaranteed” interest rates on your funds.
- Expert advice on handling Post-Entitlement Benefits and EEOC (Equal Opportunity Commission) issues.
- Individualized counseling when a member reaches entitlement age.
- An additional Death Benefit for your firefighter’s family.
- A helpful and efficient staff who have expertise in LOSAP.
- Our plans provide for the retirement benefit to be FULLY FUNDED when a member reaches entitlement age.
- An actuary will calculate how much money is needed to pay the entire lifetime benefit so all the money is available at entitlement
For a FREE Rate Quote, Call 631-589-2929
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